Thursday, February 11, 2010

Are putting acrylic nail from the store dangerous?

Like could make you get a diseas or take your nails offAre putting acrylic nail from the store dangerous?
you can't buy acrylic nails at the store and put them on yourself, you need to go to a nail salon or spa to get them done professionally. if you do get them done at a salon there is def. a chance of getting a fungus but nothing serious, as long as everything they use is sanitize properly.Are putting acrylic nail from the store dangerous?
i dont think so, i have never heard that. if you could get a disease from it, those company's that sell those nails would be getting suied, so unless on the box it says CATION: MAY CAUSE DANGEROUS NAIL DISEASE, i think your safe.
no they are just really hard to do..
Acrylic nails bond to your natural nail bed, they can leave your nails very damaged if done correctly. I suggest if you really want them have a professional do them, and remove them. Some things are better left to professionals, I mean would you cut your own hair?
Most places are very clean so it is rare but you could get a nail fungus if the shop isn't clean or they don't clean the tools good enough. To be sure check out the shop before you get your nails but on!
i dnt knw whether they will do that but my friend who is 100% gurly gurl tried puttin them on me and they hurt like crap and leave your nails pink for about 3 days so i dnt suggest using them plus they r a little white - trash looking.

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