Thursday, February 11, 2010

I attached an acrylic nail to my toes using the glue provided. My toe is a huge blister now. What happened?

I have them on all my other nails, and am not having the same problem. I think I may be having an allergic reaction to the glue or nail or both , but wouldnt it happen to all the nails and not just one? It itchs like heck, and when I pulled the nail off it was all pink and oozing.I attached an acrylic nail to my toes using the glue provided. My toe is a huge blister now. What happened?
it could be an allergic reaction but it could also be some sort of infection...ask a doctorI attached an acrylic nail to my toes using the glue provided. My toe is a huge blister now. What happened?
i didnt know u could put those on ur toes.
I think from what you are saying that you are having an allergic reaction to the nail glue that you used. My advice is to remove it using acetone. then leave it alone for a few days and if everything you described persists then see a doc. Good luck.
well i have a question for you um did you ripe it off after the glue dried? because if you ripe it off then you get sore feet and your not suppose to put those on your toes!!!!! just saying

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