Sunday, February 7, 2010

Nail polish remover tipswhat type of nail polish remover can i use to take polish off of acrylic nails?

what type of nail polish remover can i use to take polish off of acrylic nails?Nail polish remover tipswhat type of nail polish remover can i use to take polish off of acrylic nails?
As long as you are quick, you can safely use acetone, or acetone based polish remover. It works much faster, and better than non-acetone remover. Acetone is used in nail salons all the time to remove polish. Yes, it is safe for acrylic nails but do not leave it on your nails because then it will cause problems. The key is to work quickly.Nail polish remover tipswhat type of nail polish remover can i use to take polish off of acrylic nails?
Agree totally with Wendy! You CAN USE REGULAR ACETONE or Polish remover WITH acetone as long as you don't soak it. NON acetone tends to make the acyrylic gummy because it takes longer to remove the polish. Just quick strokes across the nail with a cotton ball and it will be ok. Don't use the soaker jars to remove polish either. The pigment of the polish is left in the jar and the acrylic soaks up the pigment and stains them.
Any polish remover will work for you.

Acetone is used to remove acrylic nails, but it takes quite a bit soaking to do that. So taking polish off with polish remover that has acetone in it will not hurt your acrylics. (As a manicurist, I use straight acetone to remove polish all the time.)

You might need to buff the acrylic nails after removing polish. Just use #400 wet/dry sandpaper.
Any drugstore should sell a non-acetone nail polish remover. Look for it and make sure it states that it's safe to use on any artificial nail. I use StudioTools' non-ancetone nail polish remover, and it can be bought at CVS.
use one without acetone, they use acetone to take off acrylic nails so if u use this it will just ruin them.

You can buy it in most shops and it will just say on the bottle acetone free.
any non acetone remover should work. acetone eats up the acrylic.

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